inspired photography (SMSnotes)

spring sky
The spring sky is a canvas of vivid hues, painted with the delicate pinks and blues of dawn. As the sun ascends, it washes the landscape in soft, golden light. Early risers witness this daily masterpiece, feeling its promise of new beginnings.

spring sky
By mid-morning, the sky boasts a brilliant azure, speckled occasionally by wispy, white clouds drifting lazily. The sun shines with unfiltered glory, coaxing blooms and leaves to unfurl. Birds chirp melodiously, adding a soundtrack to the visual splendor.

spring sky
As afternoon matures, the sky deepens into a richer blue, occasionally dotted with fluffier cumulus clouds. These towering figures cast playful shadows over the earth, cooling patches of the warming ground. The air is fresh, scented with the fragrance of spring flowers.

spring sky
As dusk approaches, the sky transforms yet again, this time into a palette of oranges and purples. The setting sun throws its last rays upward, painting the clouds. Stars begin to peek from their veils, promising the quiet calm of a spring night.
