A bicolor cat or tuxedo cat is a cat with white fur combined with fur of some other color, for example black or tabby. There are various patterns of bicolor cat. These range from Turkish Van pattern through to solid color with a throat locket.
Like calicos and tortoiseshells, tuxedo cats are not a breed. Instead, they are defined by their distinct black and white bicolored (or piebald) coats that resemble traditional formal wear. However, while calico and tortoiseshell cats are predominantly female, tuxedo cats can be either male or female.
If you're thinking about getting a tuxedo cat, there's good news – you won't have to spend a fortune! The tuxedo coloration isn't particularly rare, and it can be seen in just about any breed. There's no reason tuxedo cats should cost more than any other.
Tuxedo cats have their own distinct personalities. They claim areas of the house for their own and will often drag a blanket and toys to their special spot. They are spunky, care for their owners, and are very affectionate.
A bicolor cat or tuxedo cat is a cat with white fur combined with fur of some other color, for example black or tabby. There are various patterns of bicolor cat. These range from Turkish Van pattern (color on the crown of the head and the tail only) through to solid color with a throat locket.

All you need is love and a cat.

Why thank you, I am purrrfect.

Yes, I am the cat's meow.

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