Pink Roses + Golden Hour = Pure Magic 🩵💛

A sturdy rose, Claude Brasseur enriches the landscape with its perfect shape and an abundant, dark green, semi-matte foliage.
Meibriacus Rose : Introduced in France by Meilland Richardier in 2007. Class: Hybrid Tea. Bloom: Mauve or purple blend. Strong fragrance. up to 75 petals. Average diameter 5.25".

"Meibriacus," which is a Hybrid Tea rose introduced in France by Meilland Richardier in 2007. Here are the details you've provided:Class: Hybrid Tea
Bloom: Mauve or purple blend
Fragrance: Strong fragrance
Petals: Up to 75 petals
Average Diameter: 5.25 inches
Hybrid Tea roses are known for their elegant, high-centered blooms and are often a popular choice in gardens and floral arrangements due to their beautiful form and fragrance. It's wonderful to hear about this unique rose variety with its distinct characteristics.
