Cosmos sulphureus is a species of flowering plant in the sunflower family Asteraceae, also known as sulfur cosmos and yellow cosmos. It is native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America, and naturalized in other parts of North and South America as well as in Europe, Asia, and Australia.
The perfect addition to any sunny meadow or garden, Sulphur Cosmos light up the mid-season garden, blooming a stunning orange and yellow all the way into the fall. Sulphur Cosmos are extremely easy to grow in any region and attract a variety of hummingbirds and butterflies to the garden. The bright blooms also make for gorgeous cut bouquets!
More bushy plants and somewhat smaller yellow (to orange) semi-double flowers. It's often called "Sulphur Cosmos" or "Orange Cosmos," and an old variety with particularly glowing orange blooms is called "Bright Lights."
When the spring-planted cosmos appears to have an abundance of dried seeds, do not remove the plants. Encourage re-bloom by cutting the plants back to 12 to 18 inches high. They will be back in bloom in a month and the seed that is cut off will fall to the ground, germinate in the hot soil, and increase the density of your plant population and the eventual bloom display.
Cosmos sulphureus is a prolific seed-producing annual herb considered native to Mexico and northern South America. It grows to two meters tall, and sports very attractive heads of yellow flowers. There are numerous popular cultivars of C. sulphureus in the international horticultural trade, resulting in its wide and intentional spread by humans.
The species has been known to escape cultivation and naturalize. It is recorded as an environmental weed and occasionally as an invasive plant in parts of Africa, Asia, North, and Central America, and the Pacific Islands through details of impact are lacking.
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