“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” - Amit Ray π©΅π

“In every change, in every falling leaf, there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” - Amit Ray

The wet season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs. Generally, the season lasts at least a month. The term green season is also sometimes used as a euphemism by tourist authorities. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across portions of the tropics and subtropics.

Usually rainy season in India starts in late May. It occurs due to influence of monsoon winds and last until September.

The rainy or 'monsoon' season in Thailand occurs between July and October. The rains in the first few months are heavy but inconsistent (lasting just a few hours), whereas towards the end they become more persistent. The best time to visit is during the hot season, which lasts from March to June.

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