Sunflowers symbolize loyalty, and adoration thanks to the myth of Clytie and Apollo. And, because of their association with the sun, sunflowers are well-known for being a happy flower and the perfect bloom for a summer flower delivery to brighten someone's mood!
Sunflowers represent adoration, loyalty, and longevity. Known as “happy” flowers, sunflowers are the perfect gift to bring joy to someone's day or as a treat for yourself.

Annual sunflowers bloom during summer and into autumn. Sow new plants every few weeks and you'll enjoy non-stop flowers until the first frost. Perennial sunflowers bloom for a period of 8-12 weeks with some beginning as early as July and others finishing as late as October.

any of a genus (Helianthus, especially H. annuus) of New World composite plants with large yellow-rayed flower heads bearing edible seeds that yield an edible oil

The common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a large annual forb of the genus Helianthus grown as a crop for its edible oil and seeds.
