White frangipani, Thailand (SMSnotes)

White frangipani, scientifically known as Plumeria alba, is a flowering plant that belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It is also commonly referred to as "white plumeria" or "white jasmine." Frangipani is renowned for its fragrant, delicate blossoms, which are often associated with tropical and subtropical regions. Here are some key features and information about white frangipani:

Appearance: White frangipani features beautiful, five-petaled flowers with a pleasant fragrance. The flowers have a white or cream color, and the petals are often arranged in a spiral pattern. The flowers can range from small to relatively large, depending on the specific variety.
Fragrance: The fragrance of white frangipani flowers is sweet, floral, and captivating. The scent is particularly strong during the evening and night, attracting pollinators like moths.
Leaves: The leaves of the white frangipani are large, leathery, and glossy green. They can provide a lovely backdrop for the blossoms.

Habitat: White frangipani is native to tropical and subtropical regions, including areas in Central America, the Caribbean, and parts of South America. It is also cultivated in various other regions around the world with suitable climates.
Cultural Significance: Frangipani flowers hold cultural significance in various societies. They are often associated with symbolism related to love, devotion, spirituality, and welcome. In many tropical cultures, frangipani flowers are used in religious ceremonies, rituals, and traditional garlands.
Gardening and Landscaping: White frangipani is a popular choice for gardens and landscapes in tropical and subtropical climates. It can be grown as a standalone tree or as part of mixed plantings. Its ornamental value, along with its fragrance, makes it a favorite among gardeners.

Propagation: Frangipani can be propagated from cuttings. Cuttings are taken from the branches of existing plants and allowed to root before being planted in the ground.
Care: White frangipani prefers full sun and well-draining soil. It is relatively drought-tolerant once established but benefits from regular watering during dry spells. Pruning can help shape the plant and encourage healthy growth.

Varieties: There are several varieties and cultivars of frangipani with different flower colors, including white, pink, yellow, and multi-colored blooms.
Caution: While frangipani is cherished for its beauty and fragrance, it's worth noting that all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested. Take care if planting it in areas where children or pets might come into contact with it.
